You’ve heard of Spanglish, a mixture of Spanish and English, and Franglais, a combination of French and English. Chinglish popped up just before the opening of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, being a blend of Chinese and English. Now, Brazinglish is gaining in popularity ahead of the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

Unlike the other language mixes, Brazinglish hasn’t quite got off to such a good start, with awkward translations causing unexpected issues, even with official translations to public signs. At a football stadium in Salvador, for example, the exit gates were marked with the sign ‘Entrace’, being both misspelled and mislabelled. Other such translations have led Brazilians to make fun of themselves with nonsensical English translations on social media sites; in-house humour that outsiders would struggle to understand, let alone get the joke.

Nonetheless, with increased tourism looming on the horizon, English language schools have appeared everywhere in an attempt to welcome tourists into the country. Offering guarantees of how quickly they can teach people to become fluent in the English language, these schools have become very popular. The Ministry of Tourism has even created a programme, ‘Hello, Tourist!’ to encourage people to attend English classes. An estimated 6,088 franchises of 77 language schools have been created, according to the Brazilian Association of Franchising. A host of English words have already been adopted by Brazilians, although the meanings have been slightly changed in the process.

So what does hosting the World Cup hold for Brazil in the way of its new Brazinglish language? Calm conversation or chaotic confusion?